Young children's hand skills are generally on the decline resulting in fine motor delays and poor handwriting skills. Today's children are no longer exposed to activities and toys that develop the musculature, hand structures and precise movements of the hands needed for school success. As a result, children are coming into the classroom with delayed fine motor control. Yet, curriculum demands continue to increase, thus producing a widening gap between curriculum expectations and developmental readiness.
The Write Stuff Workshop provides the therapist, educator and parent with a thorough understanding of hand development and its role in the promotion of fine motor skills that lead to handwriting.
The Write Stuff is based on Susan Thompson's successful and popular fine motor development program, Handy Learning.
This course is offered LIVE through in-house contracts and ONLINE.
Learning Objectives are measured through small group participation, applied learning activities and short question and answer strategies throughout the workshop.
I. Introduction
II. Write Stuff Activities
III. In the Classroom
IV. Hand Development
THERAPISTS: Occupational Therapist Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants Physical Therapist Physical Therapy Assistant Speech Therapist
TEACHERS: Special Education teachers Preschool, Kindergarten First grade teachers Private school teachers
ADMINISTRATORS Special Education Supervisors Elementary Principals/Assistant Principals
PARENTS Parents of young children (2-7 years old)
Intermediate. AOTA Category I: Domain of Occupational Therapy: Areas of Occupation, Category II: Occupational Therapy Process: Intervention. .1 CEUs/1.0 Contact hour per module. 6 modules total for .6 CEUs/6.0 Contact hours
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